Rape of Themis

The subjugation of women and the murky definition of consent are recurring themes in art history. These issues were ominously on view during the Kavanaugh Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings. In “The Rape of Themis, Goddess of Justice”, the Greek goddess, Themis, represents womankind throughout history. The legal definition of “Consent” frames the periphery of the piece from above. An excerpt from Dr. Blasey-Ford’s vivid testimony concerning her assault runs in the opposite direction around the interior rim as a counter to the above legal definition. On the outside metal rim of the wine barrel top, the phrases “Haha” and “ahhhhh” overlap in different fonts to signify the cacophony of her assailants’ laughter mixed with the sounds of her struggle under the attacker’s hand that covers her mouth. As the viewer spins the wheel, he or she may experience the disorientation of being drugged or intoxicated (‘the room was spinning’) and the confusion and desperation of fighting off multiple attackers. Themis is usually represented blindfolded, holding her scales of justice, but in this piece, the scales are ripped from her hand and her blindfold is raised so that she is aware that it is her own justices who betray her.

Wood, metal, 24” diameter x 33” height. $1100