The Shield of Achilles
Based on Homer’s description in “The Iliad” and the poem “ The Shield of Achilles” by W H Auden written in 1952, this piece updates the original imagery to contemporary times. The “boss” or center of the shield, is the tree of life (The Lone Cypress of Pebble Beach) standing with the sun, moon, and ocean representing Heaven and Earth. The second ring is endangered species showing the fragility of life. The third ring shows “cities and war and cities at peace.” Modern day drone strikes are juxtaposed against Achilles sword and armor. The January 6, 2021 Insurrection and the Fall of Troy are depicted on the right side of the shield with the Viking Shaman howling in the middle. He stands opposite the figure of Amanda Gorman, the young, black woman poet, on the left side addressing the Inaugural crowd with her words of peace and hope. The fourth ring shows the effects of climate change on the right and major scientific discoveries on the left, from the smallest genome mapping to rockets lifting off for space. The fifth ring, as in the original, shows the oceans with updated melting polar ice caps. Gouges in the shield evoke distant battles fought through history, bringing us to present day. This piece asks, what do we stand for? What do we fight for? What will stand the test of time?